Friday, January 3, 2020

313 106 63 183 51 | Wounded Knee Massacre

NFL Week 17 Redskins played @ Cowboys: On the anniversary date of the Wounded Knee Massacre

Cowboys beat the Redskins making Redskins record 3-13 for the season


Final score totaled 63 points

Case Keenum's birthday is the same as Geronimo's death date.

2019-1906= 113 years ago

Note, Dak is short for Dakota. The Wounded Knee Mass. took place in South Dakota.

From his birthday to the game=153 days or a span of 154. Genocide=154

153 killed

2019-1890= 129 years ago

Aug. 24 date num. (8+24+19=51)

(Oct. 17 10/17)

Date Numerology

12+29+90 = 131
12+29+18+90 = 149 prime 35
12-29 = 41
1+2+2+9+1+8+9+0 = 32

307 is the 63rd prime #

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